This morning, actually since about 1 am this morning, we have been reviewing and troubleshooting what might possibly be running our CPU on our server past the tolerance points allowed by Inmotion Hosting.  We have no tools to identify any single domain name on the server as a resource hog or possibly identify if one of those domains has been hacked or is under a DNS attack or anything less exotic for that matter.

  1. The only tool we seem to have is to suspend all domains temporarily.
  2. Then un-suspend one domain at a time and
  3. Refresh the server status in WHM over and over again
  4. Gathering a sample of outputs for cpu usage

So far we have not identified any single domain that might be contributing to the problem.  Even starting to wonder if there might be a sophisticated hacker out there, hacking a server level or installing a virus at a server level that doesn’t ramp up their hacking efforts or turn the virus loose until multiple domains are on line.

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