The PayPerPost sponsored PostieCon ’07 conference is confirmed. The event will take place on June 1 through June 2. Is a weekend to Memorial Day weekend.
Roberts Scoble will headline the event is the keynote speaker. The theme of the event is that lawyers are a rock star.
The goal of the blog conference is to bring bloggers together and help them learn new and better methods for blogging gaining traffic and monetizing their websites with
The registration price is $200 if you register late after May 18 the price goes up to $250. The event will likely be a an excellent. opportunity. There will be in award banquet and an open bar which probably justifies the $200 price tag. 🙂

Other Speakers and Moderators

David Ponce, Dan Rua, and Paul Lewis

Events and Sessions

The itinerary for the events are not filled up yet. PayPerPost still looking for additional speakers and moderators. This is the first event for PostieCon. So it’s probably to be expected that it’s going to be a little green or rough around the edges. The big advantage of this event will be for bloggers to network with other bloggers. Everyone will get a chance to learn a great deal of information and benchmark about best practices.
The event is not open to other paid to post companies or networks. So this should be really looked at as an industry event but as a private event. It remains to be seen what type of turnout will show up for this event. PayPerPost has over 10,000 blogs in its networks these days and a couple thousand advertisers. However this is a company that’s based on an Internet model with people blogging and advertising from all around the world. Many of the bloggers have been categorized as “mommy bloggers” and it’s unknown whether any of those bloggers will actually be able to show up for event such as this.
So as these shows go especially when they’re launching, missile and probably par for the course. No big great opportunity for people it to attend to get in at the ground level because PayPerPost is will will only be a little less than a year old at the time this event takes place.

Softduit Partners Attendance

I will likely be at the show representing Softduit Partners as well as several of our advertising customers. For any of my readers or fellow bloggers or my sponsors and advertisers that we’ll be able to go, I look forward to meeting you there!

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