Adelle Revella (@buyerpersona) video presentation on WordPress TV.
Length is about17 minutes

Awesome Wisdom Nuggets from Adelle Revella – #CMWorld 2016 – “How Many Buyer Personas Do You Need?”

Woke up to enjoy this video from Adelle Revella on a cold winter morning. I was looking for something different as I have been watching to many ‘how to build’ type videos and needed some new perspectives and diversity Bigo Live Apk Download. I was subscribed to Content Marketing Institute on YouTube and they served up this 17 minute talk from Adelle. Thank you!!!

Ask your clients or visitors to your blog, what is important to them (relative to the business you provide).
Then look at the things you do and the intersection of meeting what is important to your clients, that is your marketing message, that is your target.
If you get a large enough sample with enough feedback from people (don’t base this next exercise on the feedback from a single visitor to your site or just one client), you might ask a follow up question that looks something like this:

What if the things that are important to my clients or visitors, are not things I provide in my business?

Two scenarios
Scenario 1 – Your business or website or marketing is attracting the wrong clients or visitors… Your legacy marketing is misfiring. Kill it, eliminate it, fix it, start from scratch.
Scenario 2 – your business is no longer providing offerings that people value, fix your business or get a new one!

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